Thursday, March 28, 2019

An unmedicated burden

Sometimes I wish I was medicated for my anxiety, just so I could stop being such a burden to my family and the friends I reach out to in my panic. 😔

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I am afraid to get up

I have not been good at getting up early in years. It's part of my personality. Unlike doing the thing I am doing in the moment and don't want to stop. That makes me late for the next thing. And on, and on and on. I go to bed late bc I want to do things. I like sleep, I don't want to get up.
But with my anxiety about illness has come a whole new layer of this: I am afraid to get up bc I am afraid of what the day will bring.  I am avoiding some tasks. I am afraid of who will get sick. Maybe I am even afraid of who is going to need me, and for what. This last thought really stings, bc now I am also afraid of the future, afraid of not being needed...

My arm is cut off...

Whenever anyone leaves our small church, even for good, God honoring, God seeking reasons, I feel like my arm has been cut off. And that is how we are supposed to be, right? We are all a part of the body. The large one on the whole, but the local one as well. So it *should* feel bad when someone leaves, right? God is doing something in my little church. I fear that a statement that someone suggested will come to pass -that it will close down. And when anyone leaves, I wonder if I can be friends, and how I still will be. When there is not that weekly gathering at church bringing you together, how do you make one more occasion, playdate, one more computer message happen, when you aren't stellar at planning things.
I have decided I have abandonment issues. With the last people that left my church, I was wondering what anyone was doing wrong, what I had done, or could I have done anything to make them want to stay. I am like the girlfriend or boyfriend who suddenly gets dumped. No warning. Someone they love doesn't want to be with them anymore. It hurts, and you are left grasping at straws to get them back. But they're not coming back. And suddenly people that you care about and love,... you may never see them again.
Figures. I stay up late one night trying to get a project done, and I actually WORK on said project, and feel really good about it -but it leaves me short of sleep. So, I think it's ok, I will get sleep tmrw night. Except "tmrw night," the baby is awake in the night. For three hours. Interrupting some much needed personal time with the hubs. It was a good laugh for hubs and I. And truly, of course, I just want the baby to be healthy and ok. I am thankful though - it could have been up with sickness with one of the kids or myself. God spared me that, I think.

Saturday, January 20, 2018


One has a cold. One fell asleep on the couch in the early afternoon. Will the cold spread to the others? Is the one asleep on the couch just taking a nap? Or is she sick? Does she have a stomach bug?
My skin is crawling some. I can't move around my own home freely. One kid threw up earlier this week. Did she touch this chair? That toy? Did I spray every thing she touched? Should I wipe it too? The spray surely isn't covering all the surface, I can see that by how it dries... How many times do I need to wash the laundry before the virus germs are gone? What about the washing machine - I read the germs are staying in it. How can I get that clean??
The laundry us stacking up. The dishes are piling. I am afraid I am not doing enough to stop this germ in its tracks. But I can't touch anything! Nothing is truly clean!


It is so dark. Not outside, that's sunny. And "warm" for January at 45°. My fear makes the atmosphere, the air around me oppressive. Hope is missing. Going out is not fun because that means my sick kid will be near my healthy ones. And there are germs every where. I can't stand being home, except in my room, watching TV, playing on my phone. That feels safe for now.
This is no fun. I want to be free again.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

I see you over there. You take your kids to their sports practices, their dance classes, their swim lessons. And I long to be you.

I long for the freedom to just go somewhere and not worry about the consequences of picking up an illness. I wish I could even just read someone's fb post about their kids' extra curriculars and not see that so-in-so in their kid's class was ill (but came anyway, or got sick there).

I freak out at the thought.

And then I feel guilt. I feel I'm depriving my kids of all of this simply bc I can't do it.

I. Am. Afraid.